Monday, July 25, 2011

If It's Not Coming Out, Then It's Not Coming OFF



You are all getting to know me quite well by now. I like to talk about the forbidden subjects. I'm not a Dr. nor have I played one on T.V.   I'm just Andrea trying to help some people out using my own life experiences. Have you ever seen those elderly ladies with pregnant belly's? Ya, I believe it's OLD, STINKY POOP! One thing I know is the fat I have had on my body is jiggly but the "prego with poop" belly is firm and hard. Let me say it like this- If it's not coming out then, it's not coming off! Meaning if you are struggling with losing weight, this might be the reason why. Or in other cases maybe you cannot seem to gain weight. This issue can keep your body from being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. A lot women suffer from this issue, but few talk about. It's funny, because when I ask people how their bathroom habits are, they answer in a whisper and kind of mumble under their breath. In order to get healthy and lose fat you have to eliminate waste 2 to 3 times a day. Yes! I said, "2 to 3 times a day". I'm going to keep this simple. I don't think anyone is going around saying..................

So Here are some simple solutions -

Do not eat:
Peanut Butter
Green Apples
These are all constipating!

Some solutions-
Drink a gallon of water a day- even if you are bloated from it. It will help flush the system
Add in Extra Fiber with your breakfast
Eat an Orange, grape Fruit, and Red Apple before bed- yes that's a lot of food but over time it helps get things moving.


                             AND YOU WANT IT TO FEEL AMAZING AND FLAT......
Here is my personal solution to this issue-
I do a cleanse every 90 days. It's GENTLE and UNEVENTFUL, go to work and do your daily routine. This literally changed my life. I used to be exhausted, bloated, constipated, and DANG GRUMPY because of it. I mean who can feel good or happy being all backed up with .....? Can I say crap? Ok well, I did.   Fact is- once I started pooping regularly (2 to 3) times a day, my body was a fat burning machine. My skin and complexion went from being dull to clear and glowing! oh and as a bonus,you will lose some weight and inches as well!!

Here is my personal solutions:

You can find all the items below by clicking here- ADVOCARE. You will also get me for free to coach you and give you all the info such as food items you need to Love your Tummy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Andrea. It's so true that so many people struggle in this area. I was one of those persons for years, in fact since I was about 4 years old. Sadly but true. I follow many of the things you suggested with the AdvoCare products, which by the way is what got me going regular like you said. The doctors say 2 - 3 times a day is normal & yet they can't help us get regular. I'm so thankful for the way the above routine helped me. I am so excited for some of the other tips you gave us. So many people who are on medications need more than what the AdvoCare products can help with at times, I was working with a gal & nothing seemed to work until we made some of the other changes, like taking out bananas & for me I had to take out many of the dairy products.
    One concoction I will share from a friend of mine who is a registered dietician, her name is Jenny Donnelly. She has us make a warm spark in the morning & put in some flax seed oil along with some lemon juice (1 tablespoon or so each, I just pour in a little of both, guesstimate). It's a great morning solution to help! Thanks again for posting this. Hope to see you soon! Melanie :)
