Monday, July 4, 2011

Slow Your Roll......

I love to confess my mess... maybe I do this too often, but I do it because there is SOMEONE out there who will-
1. Laugh
2. Enjoy truth at my expense
3. Feel like they are not alone
4 Get transparent with themselves and God
5.Realize "It's Time and make CHANGES

We women love to be the master of disguise. There is non better at that than me. I have been able to cover up many flaws and help draw attention some place else. Alright!  There are a few times I couldn't. Like once when I had a MASSIVE zit on my face..You know the one that you knew better than to ever touch but you did it anyway? Ya .... that one.....I did  the forbidden. I picked at it knowing full well it was one of those things that was going to just show itself and leave when it wanted to. I threw caution to the wind and went for it. UGH.. It was under my eye, close to my nose... I caked on makeup to try to disguise it. Long story short..I felt compelled to point it out because I was talking to a group of people and I KNEW they could see it.  I knew I could see it on my own dang face when I looked down HAHA Im so laughing as I write this.(one of my Pastors who I love dearly)  said, " What? I never noticed any zit? Are you talking about your third eye"?!!! lol! OMG I loved him and hated him all at the same time. I LOVE TRUTH!! even when it hurts, it's a hurt feel good.
Something like this.......just saying
 How did I get that off track?  The truth is... I was a master at covering my rolls to make it "SEEM" like I had this smooth silhouette at whatever size I was. OK at 230lbs I wasn't smoothing much out but I was camouflaging. Take note that I wore all colors of overalls and hid behind things and people, mostly small children. I distinctly remember not wanting my picture taken here. I was 9mos prego and I grabbed the baby, held her in this particular position, then took the blanket she was wrapped in and SET IT on my butt! It was strategically placed there. My butt was like it's own entity. HA.. you know what I'm talking about don't you......???

 I had all the tactics down. I could squeeze into a tight pair of pants and a snug shirt and wrap a sweater around my waist. Uh, juuuust in case I get cold? ErR ummm you know.. it gets windy sometimes, I might need it. RIIIIGHT?!
As the years went on I got better at this roll coverage.. after all, there were a lot to cover. I mean, you got the back fat from the bra roll, ( I would've started with the double chin, but I couldn't cover that, ok wait I could have done the turtle neck but....) you got the above belly button roll, muffin top roll, what's tucked in those jeans roll (don't lie, you know wha I'm talking about)  awkwarrrrd......

I managed to figure out how to smooth all that junk out to not look so rolly. I used to wear a cami under everything, a pair of extra coverage, with extra support undergarment. ( AKA: granny panties) The "perfect" pair of jeans ( AKA :the Mom jean) to smooth out all that extra "more of me to lovenesssss" going on.

You feel me here?
NOW----- For some hard cold facts... everyone could see it. I wasn't fooling myself or anyone else, but I did feel better about it. I mean, it was ALL I could do at the time. Do what you gotta do girls until you can get where you wanna go. It takes time. That's just part of life. What's not cool is when you lie to yourself and you don't make changes. DISCLAIMER HERE:This is my personal experience, people participating in reading this blog just may disagree with me, everyone is entitled to their personal opinion. Fortunately for me, this is a blog about my opinions ..YAY ME!

Moving right along here...... I did not feel attractive with all that going on. My clothes were tight, cutting my stomach in half. I was always pulling on the layers of clothes to straighten them out. Pulling up my Granny Panties, so they do whatever the heck they do for the lower half. ( BTW there is deliverance for those girls! It's called me smacking you for wearing them lolI'm laughing but not joking)  (grumbling under my breath... ugh) It's all just SO TIGHT! It kinda hurts. I know some people take it farther than I did and just use full body suckerInners. yikes! I'm pretty sure that's the technical term for them....suckerInners?

What's my solution to all these crazy tactics we women resort to? Oh wait, I didn't address the men.. Um.. ya Dude, take a lesson from the women and layer up man. Don't just let it all hang out, do whatcha gotta do until you are ready to slow your roll. Gotta love on that man of God too ladies and help a dude out with some truth!  OKAY Back to you, Beautiful woman of God- It's time ... When you have to go through all of that just to feel better about how you look in your clothes, wouldn't you say it's just time for change? Oh Dear Lord, let our ears hear, and our eyes see that there is freedom from all of that silliness. It's time to be honest with ourselves. Love yourself enough to invest in you. You can do something about it and love how you feel everyday. Once I finally committed to change and investing in me, I never looked back. I wear the same size jeans for 6 years ( minus my 9mos of pregnancy at age 34, I went up 2 pant sizes)  If you take the upfront time now to be transparent with yourself, you will have the rest of your life to enjoy the freedom of just getting dressed. The freedom of throwing on aT-shirt and jeans and running out the door... WOW, no more pulling, yanking, sucking in, throwing yourself on the bed in a sweat, zipping up jeans...... just.... throwing.. them... on... and walk out.

 For those of you Beautiful women of God that are already on this journey and you are investing into your health and your body for all the reasons above and XYZ other reasons you may have... Keep it up. Do the roll covering thingy for a minute but don't settle for that. The only variable in life is you. No one, no situation, no thing can stop you from getting to your destination of freedom from restrictive, roll squeezing, fat squishing, uncomfortable clothes. You are on your way, each day you are one day closer to your goal. It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you finish!
For those of you who want to slow your roll and you want help.. That's who I am.. I'm help in the form of a Woman, a Wife, and a Mom... Be Blessed

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