Monday, April 25, 2011

Healthy At Any Age

When I was growing up, I never had anyone teach me about health and nutrition. I never even thought about it really. I was a skinny little twig, and couldn't gain weight. As I went through my twenties I should have been able to experience my tiny, cute body, laying out by the pool and enjoying showing off all the cute clothes. Instead, I got married at age 21 and started gaining weight quickly. Then, as you have read in other blogs I continued to get fat with each pregnancy. I lost that cute figure so early in life. I lost myself because I didn't identify with myself anymore.

  Since having my life transformed ( watch my video at the top of the page if you haven't already) one of my greatest rewards for going through my journey is helping others in theirs. One of my best friends is only 23 years old. This is us watching a Suns Basketball game in a cool suite with chips the size of my HEAD!

Our sons are the best of buds.

Singing Some Worship together

   I remember when she got prego I was desperate to relive my first pregnancy through her. I wanted her to have that cute tiny figure with a cute basketball belly and skinny legs.... Is that even real? Does that happen? either way, I was going to try to help her whether she wanted it or not. I demanded that she eat right and stay healthy through out her pregnancy. She really wanted to, but as a lot of first time moms do, she gave into her cravings and certainly didn't exercise much. I remember seeing her with a box of fruit loops at Church one morning. I had crazy flashbacks of my self eating whatever I wanted and getting fatter and fatter! I grabbed the box from her and with every flashback at the forefront of my mind I demanded to know, " WHAT ARE YOU DOING EATING THIS"?!!! She sheepishly said, ( with her lip curled I might add)  "I don't know? My Mom said it might help with my morning sickness. I just don't want to be sick".  POOR POOR Ashton!! I know, I was awful for doing that to her. We laugh about it now. She forgives me and thanks me for loving her enough to say something to her! It's just that I was so worried. I didn't want her to have to go through the same horrible journey I once did. After all, my whole passion is helping others take the short cut so they don't have to go through those years of being exhausted and over weight.
  After she had the baby she finally hit the point where she was ready to make the changes and get back to being healthy and in shape. She asked me to help her. I got her started on a 24 Day Challenge and she never looked back!! NOW.... she looks better than she did in high school (those are her words not mine) and has so much energy to keep up with her 2yr old crazy kiddo. She is absolutely beautiful... always has been inside and out. I'm so thankful that I have the ability to share with everyone how to get your body back or to get the body you always wanted.
Check out her video the way...
Healthy at any age is so true.. My Mom is about to start a 24 Day Challenge I love what I do ....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My BFF Mindy's Story

Mindy and I met because our 1st born children were in Kindergarten together. We instantly clicked. You know that person you meet for the first time and it feels like you've known them forever? This was her. We started hanging out all the time. Our families would have dinner together often. My husband and her were hilarious together. They had this funny banter going back and forth all the time. As time went on it was crazy how much they had in common lol They even shared the same Birthday. We joked that they were twins separated at birth. Her husband and I really clicked as well. Turns out his birthday was on our Wedding Anniversary and our first sons birthday. Confused ? me too!

  We did everything together. Even if we shopped separately, we bought the same clothes. haha... crazy connection. I since have moved to another state but the thing is we still buy the same clothes! It only makes sense that we were fat together right? Going back 6 years ago, we were both 165lbs and ready to get fit before we took our spouses on a fantastic trip to Mexico! We worked super hard on eating right. I had already lost 90lbs before so I thought I could really show her how to do it. We dropped about 20lbs before going to Mexico. After we came back is when I got started on Advocare. I shared it with Mindy of course, but she wasn't so excited????????? What? We aren't doing it together? So I went it alone. She did her thing and I did Advocare. About 6mos later God opened the door for me to help her get started on a 24 Day Challenge. WOW.... She seriously looks amazing. She went from a 10/12 to a size 2.  Here is her video Journey. I'm so blessed to have been a part of helping her get her body and health back! Love you Mindy, so proud of you!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Video Journey From Fat To Fit......I did it so I could give you the short cut

I got a call yesterday from Alabama. I've never personally known anyone from Alabama? I met a woman named Regina. She and her friends wanted to find out about the 24 Day Challenge. So they started looking things up online. She came across my video and said that it was the very thing that inspired them to take the Challenge!!!. This is exactly why I made the video. I wanted to reach as many people as I could, to give them hope. To help people believe that if I could do it then so can you!
Check out my video and the 24 Day Challenge that's sweeping the Nation! On average people are losing10-15lbs. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle of health and wellness. I have a wonderful customer right now that has lost 15lbs and12 inches in just 12 days!!...
I'm excited to walk with you through your journey.
  Check out the Bundle that is changing lives! I'm excited to meet you, talk to you about your goals and game plan exactly how we will accomplish them. I'm an everyday Mom just like you but it's become my passion to help others get a 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fruit is so pretty!

Fruit is so pretty! I got on this kick the other day, probably because I'm doing a Herbal Cleanse (it's part of the 24 Day Challenge), and it makes you CRAVE healthy things. So,I decided we needed to get a bunch of fruit and make fruit bowls. We went to Costco and Walmart and bought, grapes, honeydew, strawberries, mango, pineapple, apples, and oranges! see how pretty those words are with all the colors? haha That's how I feel when I see fruit. It's pretty and I wanna eat them!

Just a sample of some of the fruit I got!
I came home last night and made a couple bowls of it for our snack. I felt like I was having dessert. This morning my husband cut up oranges and mixed it with his vanilla protein shake. yyy U mmm!
My Mouth is watering!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dinner Ruined

My Dinner was a flop last night. Ever been frantically trying to get everything done around the house AND get dinner made by a certain time so you can get out the door. We have sports of some kind every single night. Along with Church and helping people with the 24 Day Challenge AND just trying to have family time fit in there somewhere.... ALL OF WHICH I LOVE! But... sometimes I feel like my head is spinning. Oh, did I mention I home school my kids. :) Yes,That too....(here's a taste of that part of my day, teaching Zyion)

 Everyone had to be out of the house by different times and dinner had to be done by 5. So I start multitasking.. telling everyone to do this, that, and the other ( whats the other?). Anyway, I recruit my oldest ( Isaiah) to help me make dinner. I'm making Flank Steak (yum) and quinoa, with fruit for a side. Isaiah is stirring the quinoa to brown it. I'm running from one room to the next and then.. I SMELL IT. Something weird, something not quite right?! I run to the kitchen and Isaiah is still stirring. I see some smoke coming from the pot. He looks completely calm and unaware. I check out the quinao and its scorched! I'm thinking, why are you just sitting there stirring this still? If you didn't smell it, surely you SEE IT. Of course at 14 yrs old nothing is their fault, and says, "well you didn't tell me" .... Down the drain it goes!

So dinner was ruined and I had NO time to make more, besides the fact that it was the last of the quinua anyway.  On a good note... We ate Flank Steak lol It was good with fruit? least no one complained. I think they new better than to mention a word.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Total Craziness....or SHOCK AND AWE

  So The picture on the left is of me at age 23... yes You read that right. haha so young yet I look older. Can anyone guess how old I am on the right? Ya ummm I'm 31 in that pic.
  Here's the deal... I got fat with my first baby. Look at my butt, my husbands hand looks itty bitty... Then on the left.. My butt looks ITTY BITTY.. and my husbands hand looks all BIG AND MANLY...Woot!
  This is a great story but it gets better... This is what I get to do every day of my life. I help transform others. It's amazing... Who said you have to get fat and "feel ugly" after having kids. It's the most wonderfulamazingfulfillingexperience in the world but in many families.. it leaves you wondering... "uhhh Who the heck am I and what happened to my body!? I think I'll throw my hair in a pony tail today oh wait, I think I will CHOP IT OFF and never put makeup on again"!! You trade in your super cute clothes and high heels for sweats and slippers and buy the mini van to go with the whole "Mom look" . OH LORD, thank you for helping me be the daughter of the KING. He pulled me out of that mentality and into a new mentality of Royalty..
  So how did He do this? Well, it was a journey. I had to take the long road but that was so I can give everyone else the short cut.
Watch my video.... I can tell story after story of exhausted Moms and Dad's that have since been transformed.
                    I get people started on the 24 Day Challenge

I will definitely talk more about this in my posts, since I have people starting them almost everyday. I'll be featuring some of my best friends videos as well. One of them went from a 10/12 to a size 2 and the other is 23yrs old and lost 45lbs!... This is so rewarding. If you know you want a change and you are ready.. DON"T WAIT.. just call me :) Lets start this Journey together
623-455-6341 ... yes, I did just post my #. haha