Monday, April 11, 2011

Total Craziness....or SHOCK AND AWE

  So The picture on the left is of me at age 23... yes You read that right. haha so young yet I look older. Can anyone guess how old I am on the right? Ya ummm I'm 31 in that pic.
  Here's the deal... I got fat with my first baby. Look at my butt, my husbands hand looks itty bitty... Then on the left.. My butt looks ITTY BITTY.. and my husbands hand looks all BIG AND MANLY...Woot!
  This is a great story but it gets better... This is what I get to do every day of my life. I help transform others. It's amazing... Who said you have to get fat and "feel ugly" after having kids. It's the most wonderfulamazingfulfillingexperience in the world but in many families.. it leaves you wondering... "uhhh Who the heck am I and what happened to my body!? I think I'll throw my hair in a pony tail today oh wait, I think I will CHOP IT OFF and never put makeup on again"!! You trade in your super cute clothes and high heels for sweats and slippers and buy the mini van to go with the whole "Mom look" . OH LORD, thank you for helping me be the daughter of the KING. He pulled me out of that mentality and into a new mentality of Royalty..
  So how did He do this? Well, it was a journey. I had to take the long road but that was so I can give everyone else the short cut.
Watch my video.... I can tell story after story of exhausted Moms and Dad's that have since been transformed.
                    I get people started on the 24 Day Challenge

I will definitely talk more about this in my posts, since I have people starting them almost everyday. I'll be featuring some of my best friends videos as well. One of them went from a 10/12 to a size 2 and the other is 23yrs old and lost 45lbs!... This is so rewarding. If you know you want a change and you are ready.. DON"T WAIT.. just call me :) Lets start this Journey together
623-455-6341 ... yes, I did just post my #. haha

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!! Its ALL about mentality, because if you are determined enough you can meet ANY goals you want. Oh...and I did the whole chop off my hair thing too.. Thank you so much for helping me with everything! You're amazing, and beautiful no matter what size you are :)
