Monday, April 25, 2011

Healthy At Any Age

When I was growing up, I never had anyone teach me about health and nutrition. I never even thought about it really. I was a skinny little twig, and couldn't gain weight. As I went through my twenties I should have been able to experience my tiny, cute body, laying out by the pool and enjoying showing off all the cute clothes. Instead, I got married at age 21 and started gaining weight quickly. Then, as you have read in other blogs I continued to get fat with each pregnancy. I lost that cute figure so early in life. I lost myself because I didn't identify with myself anymore.

  Since having my life transformed ( watch my video at the top of the page if you haven't already) one of my greatest rewards for going through my journey is helping others in theirs. One of my best friends is only 23 years old. This is us watching a Suns Basketball game in a cool suite with chips the size of my HEAD!

Our sons are the best of buds.

Singing Some Worship together

   I remember when she got prego I was desperate to relive my first pregnancy through her. I wanted her to have that cute tiny figure with a cute basketball belly and skinny legs.... Is that even real? Does that happen? either way, I was going to try to help her whether she wanted it or not. I demanded that she eat right and stay healthy through out her pregnancy. She really wanted to, but as a lot of first time moms do, she gave into her cravings and certainly didn't exercise much. I remember seeing her with a box of fruit loops at Church one morning. I had crazy flashbacks of my self eating whatever I wanted and getting fatter and fatter! I grabbed the box from her and with every flashback at the forefront of my mind I demanded to know, " WHAT ARE YOU DOING EATING THIS"?!!! She sheepishly said, ( with her lip curled I might add)  "I don't know? My Mom said it might help with my morning sickness. I just don't want to be sick".  POOR POOR Ashton!! I know, I was awful for doing that to her. We laugh about it now. She forgives me and thanks me for loving her enough to say something to her! It's just that I was so worried. I didn't want her to have to go through the same horrible journey I once did. After all, my whole passion is helping others take the short cut so they don't have to go through those years of being exhausted and over weight.
  After she had the baby she finally hit the point where she was ready to make the changes and get back to being healthy and in shape. She asked me to help her. I got her started on a 24 Day Challenge and she never looked back!! NOW.... she looks better than she did in high school (those are her words not mine) and has so much energy to keep up with her 2yr old crazy kiddo. She is absolutely beautiful... always has been inside and out. I'm so thankful that I have the ability to share with everyone how to get your body back or to get the body you always wanted.
Check out her video the way...
Healthy at any age is so true.. My Mom is about to start a 24 Day Challenge I love what I do ....

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