Tuesday, April 12, 2011

MOM, I all better....

  This picture pretty much sums of my son Zavier. Always doing something funny. He is so full of life and laughter... makes days VERY EVENTFUL!
I've been working with him on his attitude and throwing fits. This has been interesting with a 2 year old. I teach him that he needs to have a "heart change". How do you explain that in baby terms? I'm thinking, "there is no way he is gonna get it now but he will later".  I ever so sweetly lead him to another room and tell him he can hang out there until he has a "heart change" and is ready to be a part of the family. He eventually comes in and says. "I ALL BETTER MOMMY..and we talk through the event.

  So, yesterday I was just trying to get theshower in. It was already well past the morning. He decided ( DEMANDED) to take one with me and I said no. I tried talking and explaining. Didn't matter.. so I finally just decided to hop in and he would have to deal with it.  He leaves my room SLAMMING the door. He comes back 10 minutes later saying.. I ALL BETTER MOMMY! Wiping tears and snot from his nose with his shirt. I said, "oh honeyyyy, did you have a heart change"?  He proceeds to tell me in a very animated 2 year old way.. "ya, I say Jerk Mommy, I say Shut up Mommy, I hit the door, I yell, Shut up Shut up shut up jerk Mommy"! (stomping his foot and gesturing his craziness)
  haha.. inside I'm laughing because I had no idea he was freaking out like that outside my door. But I was also amazed because he knew that he had to have a heart change and he came back, confessed his wrong, asked for forgiveness and was all better.... LOVE IT!
God's word says to train your child up in the way they should go and they will never depart from it. This is just one of those truths that I pray will be written on his heart forever.

1 comment:

  1. haha! Glad he's feeling better, I'm sure its best for the both of you :)
